Saturday, December 15, 2012

Act 5

Gossip girl here, you're only source into the scandals lives of Verona's elite. Welcome back north-eastern siders. I have some juicy gossip just waiting for me to click send... Did u hear lover boy is back in Verona? I heard from a little birdie that Romeo is looking for his dead wife. #poorromeo. I also heard that he gave an old pharmacist some extra cash for a bottle of poison! #justalilcreepyromeo. Spotted at Friar Laurence's cell, Friar John talking to Friar Laurence about the letter that was not sent to Romeo!? #uhoh. Supposedly Mantua is scared of the infectious disease spreading around or is it just a little white lie from Friar's mouth? After hearing this unlucky turn of events Friar Laurence heads out to the tomb to be there for Juliet when she awakens. #howsweet. Spotted, Count Paris placing flowers on Juliet's tomb where she is laid in a monument belonging to the Capulets. I guess he did actually love her after all? #ohwell. Hearing voices, Paris quickly blends into the shadows where he is unseen. Romeo tells his servant Balthasar, he is going to take the ring off Juliet's finger for his only remembrance of her. If Balthasar comes and follows him, Romeo will tear him apart limb by limb and spread his body parts around the graveyard to feed the hungry animals. #omgSCARY:O! When Paris sees Romeo he jumps out of his hiding spot and tells him he must die for setting foot into the tomb. Romeo is upset, angry and filled with many emotions with his wife dead, asks him calmly to get away from him so he doesn't accidentally commit another crime. Refusing his proposal, Paris and Romeo fight ending with Romeo's sword thrust through Paris' chest. #notanother1romeo! Laying the Count next to Juliet along with Tybalt, Romeo asks for their forgiveness. He picks up Juliet and holds her in his arms, telling her he will never leave her ever again. In they're heartbreaking embrace, Romeo kisses Juliet one last time and tells her they will be together soon. He drinks the poison and dies instantly next to his love. #truelove. Spotted Juliet waking from her sleeping potion confused and wondering where her husband is. As the news of his death sinks in, the Friar tells Juliet to hurry for they are running out of time and he will hid her amongst the nuns until he thinks of another plan. Juliet tells him to leave because she's not going anywhere. Hearing a noise coming, Juliet kisses her lovers lips and stabs herself with Romeo's dagger. When Lord Capulet and Lady Capulet arrive they believe the knife should be in Romeo's back not Juliet's and this tragic death reminds them they are old and are going to die soon. #wowgreatparents. Spotted the Friar telling everyone in the tomb what really happened. He was the one who married Romeo and Juliet the day Tybalt died and that caused Romeo to be banished for killing Tybalt. Juliet was so upset about Romeo leaving and not Tybalts death. Her father Lord Capulet makes her marry Count Paris to make her feel better but Juliet desperately comes down to Friar Laurence's cell because she won't marry someone she doesn't love. Juliet threatens to kill herself if the Friar doesn't think of a plan. The Friar gives Juliet a sleeping potion so everyone will think she is dead. When Romeo didn't get the letter he came to see Juliet one last time and poisoned himself. But killed Paris before he killed himself. Then he (the Friar) came into the tomb looking for Juliet, and sees Count Paris and Romeo dead. Juliet doesn't come follow him and stabs herself with Romeo's dagger instead. #howsad. When the Prince opened the letter from Romeo it confirms the Friar's tale and describes his and Juliet's love for one another and their death. The Prince blames everyone for the crazy events and but the feud between the families end from the tragic deaths of the star crossed lovers Romeo and Juliet. #<3. What will happen next? Will the lovers meet again in heaven? Will the families become enemies again? Will everything go back to the way it was before everything crazy happened?? Only time will tell...xoxo
~Gossip Girl

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