Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Act 3

Gossip girl here, your only source into the scandals lives of Verona's elite. Welcome back north-eastern siders. You better be carful for when the weather is hot, people tend to get a little hot blooded. #watchout. OMG!! Spotted in a public place, Tybalt and Mercutio going at it, swords in hand! #uhoh. What would be the cause of this? But lover boy Romeo. In the spilt second Mercutio is distracted by his interference, Tybalt lunges under Romeo's eagle spread out arms, and stabs Mercutio in the heart. #onemontaguedead #whosnext. Overcome with desire for revenge, Romeo decides to fights Tybalt and avenge his friends death. This star crossed lover is surely a fortune's fool for fate is out to get him and nothing good goes right for him. #poorromeo. Benvolio, the honest man, tells the prince the whole truth of the crime that occurred. The Prince exiles Romeo from Verona and spares his life because there has been enough bloodshed for the day. Spotted, in the Capulets orchard, young Juliet waiting for her husband's arrival. When she hears the sad news about her cousin's death she gets Tybalt's death mixed up with Romeo's banishment. Juliet tells her nurse that she will never loose her virginity to anyone but Romeo, even if i means dying as a virgin. When Juliet hears the news, she believes that banishment is worst than death while Romeo considers banishment and death to be the same thing. The Friar tells Romeo to go see Juliet and consummate the wedding with her, then leave before the watchmen get to their positions. Romeo will then escape to the city of Mantua where he will live, until their families can make peace with one another and their marriage made public. #goodluckromeo. Spotted, Romeo and Juliet kissing goodbye. #sadness. Uh oh disfunction in the Capulet household. Juliet tells her mother she doesn't want to marry Paris and her father flips his cap calling her a worthless girl and that he wishes she was never born. #ouch. Lord Capulet tells his daughter if she doesn't get married to Paris this thursday he will throw her out on the streets to beg, starve, and die. #number1dad. What will happen next? Will Juliet ever see Romeo again? Will she marry Paris like her father wants her too, or get kicked out into the streets?? Only time will tell...xoxo
~Gossip Girl

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