Thursday, December 13, 2012

Act 4

Gossip girl here, you're only source into the scandals lives of Verona's elite. Welcome back north-eastern siders. I have loads of juicy info only a click away...Spotted, Juliet walking into Friar Laurence's cell. Have you heard yet? The big wedding is now moved to thursday...let me see...making that...tomorrow tonight?! #poorjuliet #whateverwillyoudo. While talking to the Friar, she tells him she would rather die and be with Romeo in God's eyes than marry Count Paris. Juliet asks Friar Laurence to think of a cleaver plan, any way to get out of this misery. The plan is to go back to her house and tell her father she is happy to marry Count Paris. Then when no one is around she will drink a vial that contains a mixture that will pull her into a deep sleep. It will run through her veins, making her appearance deathlike for 48 hours, her pulse and breath will stop and will her ability to move. She will be put in her best clothes into an open coffin where Romeo will be awaiting her awakening. They will both run away to Mantua free from this horrible situation. #goodluckgirly. Spotted, Juliet alone in her bedroom hallucinating!? Seeing the ghost of her dead cousin!? #justaweebitcreepy. She tells her nurse she wants to be alone so she can pray to get rid of all her sins. She drinks the vial and falls upon her bed. #carfuljuliet. Lord Capulet tells the nurse to wake up Juliet and she figures out Juliet's dead calling everyone for help. Lady Capulet, Lord Capulet, Paris, and the Nurse's reactions are honest while the Friar is acting. Lady Capulet starts to loose her mind as does the nurse saying that Juliet was their reason for living while Lord Capulet is upset but says since they did all this preparation with the band, food, etc. why let it go to waste? Count Paris is distraught with the news of his almost wife's death and can not handle it. Lastly the Friar says she is now in heaven, a much better place. Heaven will give her eternal life. Spotted, in the Capulets garden, Peter who is always being bossed around by the nurse, has the chance to boss around the musicians. He takes it happily, insulting them as if they were way below him. It provides relief from the tragedy to remind us life goes on. #yay?. What will happen next? Will the Friar spill the beans on his own plan? Will Romeo get the message that was sent for him? Will Juliet wake up from her sleep or was it really a poison meant to kill her?? Only time will tell...xoxo
~Gossip Girl

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