Saturday, December 15, 2012

Act 5

Gossip girl here, you're only source into the scandals lives of Verona's elite. Welcome back north-eastern siders. I have some juicy gossip just waiting for me to click send... Did u hear lover boy is back in Verona? I heard from a little birdie that Romeo is looking for his dead wife. #poorromeo. I also heard that he gave an old pharmacist some extra cash for a bottle of poison! #justalilcreepyromeo. Spotted at Friar Laurence's cell, Friar John talking to Friar Laurence about the letter that was not sent to Romeo!? #uhoh. Supposedly Mantua is scared of the infectious disease spreading around or is it just a little white lie from Friar's mouth? After hearing this unlucky turn of events Friar Laurence heads out to the tomb to be there for Juliet when she awakens. #howsweet. Spotted, Count Paris placing flowers on Juliet's tomb where she is laid in a monument belonging to the Capulets. I guess he did actually love her after all? #ohwell. Hearing voices, Paris quickly blends into the shadows where he is unseen. Romeo tells his servant Balthasar, he is going to take the ring off Juliet's finger for his only remembrance of her. If Balthasar comes and follows him, Romeo will tear him apart limb by limb and spread his body parts around the graveyard to feed the hungry animals. #omgSCARY:O! When Paris sees Romeo he jumps out of his hiding spot and tells him he must die for setting foot into the tomb. Romeo is upset, angry and filled with many emotions with his wife dead, asks him calmly to get away from him so he doesn't accidentally commit another crime. Refusing his proposal, Paris and Romeo fight ending with Romeo's sword thrust through Paris' chest. #notanother1romeo! Laying the Count next to Juliet along with Tybalt, Romeo asks for their forgiveness. He picks up Juliet and holds her in his arms, telling her he will never leave her ever again. In they're heartbreaking embrace, Romeo kisses Juliet one last time and tells her they will be together soon. He drinks the poison and dies instantly next to his love. #truelove. Spotted Juliet waking from her sleeping potion confused and wondering where her husband is. As the news of his death sinks in, the Friar tells Juliet to hurry for they are running out of time and he will hid her amongst the nuns until he thinks of another plan. Juliet tells him to leave because she's not going anywhere. Hearing a noise coming, Juliet kisses her lovers lips and stabs herself with Romeo's dagger. When Lord Capulet and Lady Capulet arrive they believe the knife should be in Romeo's back not Juliet's and this tragic death reminds them they are old and are going to die soon. #wowgreatparents. Spotted the Friar telling everyone in the tomb what really happened. He was the one who married Romeo and Juliet the day Tybalt died and that caused Romeo to be banished for killing Tybalt. Juliet was so upset about Romeo leaving and not Tybalts death. Her father Lord Capulet makes her marry Count Paris to make her feel better but Juliet desperately comes down to Friar Laurence's cell because she won't marry someone she doesn't love. Juliet threatens to kill herself if the Friar doesn't think of a plan. The Friar gives Juliet a sleeping potion so everyone will think she is dead. When Romeo didn't get the letter he came to see Juliet one last time and poisoned himself. But killed Paris before he killed himself. Then he (the Friar) came into the tomb looking for Juliet, and sees Count Paris and Romeo dead. Juliet doesn't come follow him and stabs herself with Romeo's dagger instead. #howsad. When the Prince opened the letter from Romeo it confirms the Friar's tale and describes his and Juliet's love for one another and their death. The Prince blames everyone for the crazy events and but the feud between the families end from the tragic deaths of the star crossed lovers Romeo and Juliet. #<3. What will happen next? Will the lovers meet again in heaven? Will the families become enemies again? Will everything go back to the way it was before everything crazy happened?? Only time will tell...xoxo
~Gossip Girl

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Act 4

Gossip girl here, you're only source into the scandals lives of Verona's elite. Welcome back north-eastern siders. I have loads of juicy info only a click away...Spotted, Juliet walking into Friar Laurence's cell. Have you heard yet? The big wedding is now moved to thursday...let me see...making that...tomorrow tonight?! #poorjuliet #whateverwillyoudo. While talking to the Friar, she tells him she would rather die and be with Romeo in God's eyes than marry Count Paris. Juliet asks Friar Laurence to think of a cleaver plan, any way to get out of this misery. The plan is to go back to her house and tell her father she is happy to marry Count Paris. Then when no one is around she will drink a vial that contains a mixture that will pull her into a deep sleep. It will run through her veins, making her appearance deathlike for 48 hours, her pulse and breath will stop and will her ability to move. She will be put in her best clothes into an open coffin where Romeo will be awaiting her awakening. They will both run away to Mantua free from this horrible situation. #goodluckgirly. Spotted, Juliet alone in her bedroom hallucinating!? Seeing the ghost of her dead cousin!? #justaweebitcreepy. She tells her nurse she wants to be alone so she can pray to get rid of all her sins. She drinks the vial and falls upon her bed. #carfuljuliet. Lord Capulet tells the nurse to wake up Juliet and she figures out Juliet's dead calling everyone for help. Lady Capulet, Lord Capulet, Paris, and the Nurse's reactions are honest while the Friar is acting. Lady Capulet starts to loose her mind as does the nurse saying that Juliet was their reason for living while Lord Capulet is upset but says since they did all this preparation with the band, food, etc. why let it go to waste? Count Paris is distraught with the news of his almost wife's death and can not handle it. Lastly the Friar says she is now in heaven, a much better place. Heaven will give her eternal life. Spotted, in the Capulets garden, Peter who is always being bossed around by the nurse, has the chance to boss around the musicians. He takes it happily, insulting them as if they were way below him. It provides relief from the tragedy to remind us life goes on. #yay?. What will happen next? Will the Friar spill the beans on his own plan? Will Romeo get the message that was sent for him? Will Juliet wake up from her sleep or was it really a poison meant to kill her?? Only time will tell...xoxo
~Gossip Girl

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Act 3

Gossip girl here, your only source into the scandals lives of Verona's elite. Welcome back north-eastern siders. You better be carful for when the weather is hot, people tend to get a little hot blooded. #watchout. OMG!! Spotted in a public place, Tybalt and Mercutio going at it, swords in hand! #uhoh. What would be the cause of this? But lover boy Romeo. In the spilt second Mercutio is distracted by his interference, Tybalt lunges under Romeo's eagle spread out arms, and stabs Mercutio in the heart. #onemontaguedead #whosnext. Overcome with desire for revenge, Romeo decides to fights Tybalt and avenge his friends death. This star crossed lover is surely a fortune's fool for fate is out to get him and nothing good goes right for him. #poorromeo. Benvolio, the honest man, tells the prince the whole truth of the crime that occurred. The Prince exiles Romeo from Verona and spares his life because there has been enough bloodshed for the day. Spotted, in the Capulets orchard, young Juliet waiting for her husband's arrival. When she hears the sad news about her cousin's death she gets Tybalt's death mixed up with Romeo's banishment. Juliet tells her nurse that she will never loose her virginity to anyone but Romeo, even if i means dying as a virgin. When Juliet hears the news, she believes that banishment is worst than death while Romeo considers banishment and death to be the same thing. The Friar tells Romeo to go see Juliet and consummate the wedding with her, then leave before the watchmen get to their positions. Romeo will then escape to the city of Mantua where he will live, until their families can make peace with one another and their marriage made public. #goodluckromeo. Spotted, Romeo and Juliet kissing goodbye. #sadness. Uh oh disfunction in the Capulet household. Juliet tells her mother she doesn't want to marry Paris and her father flips his cap calling her a worthless girl and that he wishes she was never born. #ouch. Lord Capulet tells his daughter if she doesn't get married to Paris this thursday he will throw her out on the streets to beg, starve, and die. #number1dad. What will happen next? Will Juliet ever see Romeo again? Will she marry Paris like her father wants her too, or get kicked out into the streets?? Only time will tell...xoxo
~Gossip Girl

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Act 2

Gossip girl here, your only source into the scandals lives of Verona's elite. What is this I hear? Love at first sight? Or blind love that belongs in the dark? Spotted outside Juliet's bedroom window, Romeo creeping on Juliet, a Capulet girl that he only meet a few hours ago. #creepy. Omg!! Spotted, Romeo and Juliet proclaiming their everlasting love to one another. Romeo says he flew over these walls with the light wings of love. And that love showed him the way, love showed him what to do. Juliet replies with, Oh Romeo, if you really love me, say it truly. Romeo replies, I swear by the sacred moon above, the moon that paints the tops of fruit trees with silver. #ROMANTIC. The two #forbiddenlovers plan to get married tomorrow if both are truly honorable. Spotted at Friar Laurence's cell, Romeo waiting very early in the morning. He explains his new love and intent to marry his enemy who has wounded him with love. Friar Laurence is shocked from the sudden shift from Rosealine to Juliet. He describes it as Fickleness of young love. But approves. He believe's Romeo is doing the wrong thing for the right reason. When Romeo returns to reality he finds his friends upset at him for abandoning them the previous night and Tybalt sending a letter to challenge him to a duel. #uhoh. Romeo insists that he will explain in time. Spotted Juliet's nurse coming for Romeo. Benvolio and Mercutio begin to make fun of her calling her ugly, fat, and a prostitute. #menaresuchpigs. She is uneducated and doesn't understand what they are saying but defends herself. #yougogirl! The nurse is Romeo and Juliet's messenger and aggress to give Juliet his message if he is honorable to her. She tells Romeo not to get Juliet's hopes up and not to pretend like he loves Juliet then crushes her. #awe #shelovesJuliet #doesn'twanttoseehergethurt #sosweet #motherlylove. When the nurse returns she pretends to be too tired and sore from her journey to explain what happened. Finally she gives in and tells Juliet what she wants to hear; Romeo is waiting at Friar Laurence's cell to marry her. Spotted Juliet walking to Friar Laurence's cell where Romeo awaits. The Friar gives Romeo advice to love each other in moderation. That is the key to long lasting love. Too fast is as bad as too slow. Romeo asks Juliet to describe the happiness, love they will have together. Juliet response is her love for him is far too great to be so easily described.#love #omg #socute. What will happen next? Will their marriage last? Will the two star crossed lover's families approve? Will the nurse spill about Romeo and Juliet's little secret?? Only time will tell...xoxo
~Gossip Girl

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Act 1

Gossip girl here, your only source into the scandals lives of Verona's elite. OMG!! Spotted in the house of Lord Capulet, swords and shields in hand, Sampson and Gregory caught in the midst of picking a fight with Abram. #Capulets vs #Montague's. #uhoh Good thing the cops showed up for who knows how this would end! Benvolio goes to talk to his cousin Romeo for he has locked himself in his room. Rosealine, the girl he is in love with, isn't interested in him; Rosealine made a promise to refrain from sexual intercourse but romeo being the bonehead he is, continues to pressure her. Thus ending in constant whining and complaining. #bonehead. His cousin Benvolio tells him to get over it and move on. #wuss #suckitup. Spotted, Lord Capulet explaining to Paris that Juliet, his only daughter who is 13, and is his night and day is too young to marry. He eventually changes his mind to let Juliet make her own decision. #freedom#well...#kinda. Lord Capulet sends his servant to find everyone on his list to come to his house for the mask ball that evening. Not knowing the irony that servants don't know how to read or write. #lol. Running into Romeo and Benvolio, the servant has a nervous, frantic look in his eyes asking if anyone knows how to read. Romeo helps him out and is invited to the mask ball. Benvolio will be going too because he is a relative to the prince and believes there are other fish in the sea and while they are at the party he will introduce Romeo to a better girl, hotter girl than Rosealine. On the other hand Romeo thinks he will woe Rosealine and hook up with her by the end. #yikes. Before the ball, Lady Capulet and her wet nurse get into an argument #catfight over Juliet. The uneducated nurse doesn't shut her mouth and tells Lady Capulet that her daughter will be a slut when she grows up, aggravating them both. Lady Capulet makes an elegant appeal to Juliet, to persuade her to consider marring Paris. Juliet answers with she will get to know him and sees if she likes him. Six Montague men walk side by side in masks carrying torches to light the way to the party. After the speech given by Lord Capulet, the music begins and everyone starts to dance. Romeo's eyes glaze over Juliet and instantly he forgets about his obsession over Rosealine, and is in awe of Juliet's beauty. Tybolt recognizes Romeo at once and wants to rip his heart out for he has a deep distaste for the Montague's. Lord Capulet call him a boy (an insult) and tells him to cut it out. Romeo meet Juliet in the center of the ball room. He takes her hands, #omg, and pretends to be a pilgrim going to a saint's shrine. They come closer and bring the palms of there hands together suggesting #truelove. Romeo tells Juliet to let there lips do what there hand do. Spotted, Romeo and Juliet kissing on the ball room floor. #OMG!! Montague's and Capulets kissing?! #forbiddenlove What will happen next?? Will Romeo drop Juliet like he dropped Rosealine? Will this forbidden so called love of theres last?? Only time will tell...xoxo
~Gossip Girl